Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Aol active virus shield?

aol active virus shield. i have this antivirus software on my laptop and i am very happy with it. however i notice that it is no longer available to download as aol have switched to a freeware mcafee suite. are aol going to keep providing update support for active virus shield or will it be stopping and, if so, when?

Aol active virus shield?software

I can't find any info on this either; but as long as Kaspersky keeps supporting it, I'm keeping Active Virus Shield till it dies.

Just when you thought AOL *might* not totally suck, they go and take away the only good thing they offered and the only reason I associated with them at all!

McAfee is still McAfee no matter what you call it or how you dress it up, it's still a resource HOG.

Just wait a few months down the road the major increase we're gonna see of people with ''slow'' computers...''I use AOL's McAfee Virus Scan Plus and...'' :-((

Aol active virus shield?vincent

I suspect updates are down to Kaspersky rather than AOL, as Active Virus Shield is a version of Kaspersky Antivirus. I think you nominally get a one year licence when you install so it could possibly stop after a year of use.
Maybe they will but McAfee is good and dont worry about that fool above
ActiveVirusShield is still working as far as i know.

Its Kaspersky that decides to pull the plug.

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