Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Windows Security Centre?

For no apparent reason today, Windows Security Centre reckons that my firewall (Kerio) and antivirus software (AVG) aren't there, which is a load of crap because they're plainly both turned on and their icons are sitting right next to that annoying little Windows Security Alert icon in the system tray. Short of turning off the Windows Alerts, does anyone have any suggestions as to what it's playing at? Thanks.

Windows Security Centre?vincent

As ''Arman A'' has said, have u rebooted yet? If so do as the others have said

Windows Security Centre?adware remover

just ignore it; it will probably go away the next you reboot, or when MS has finished copying your HD content.
It is telling you that the Windows Firewall is not on, not necessarily that you have no firewall turned on. Meaning they just want you to use theirs. As for the antivirus, I also use AVG. Just click on Recommendations under Anti Virus in Windows Security Center. Then check off ''I have an antivirus program that I'll monitor myself.'' They shouldnt bother you after that.
Windows Security Centre is not ''aware'' of AVG or Kerio. If you know that you're properly protected, just turn off the alerts.
Click on Start, the Control Panel, and choose Windows Security Centre. There is an option to tell it under Anti Virus and Firewall, that you have one, don't worry about it. Chow.

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